01 Jul Vietnamese government extends various taxes and land rent payment deadlines
In order to promote economic recovery, the Vietnamese government has decided to extend the payment deadline for various taxes, including value-added tax, and land rental fees.
On June 18, the Vietnamese government promulgated the Enforcement Decree (64/2024/ND-CP) on extending the payment deadline for taxes and land rental with this in mind.
According to the enforcement ordinance, for corporations that report and pay value-added tax (excluding import value-added tax) every month, the VAT payment deadline for May will be extended to November 20, and the VAT payment deadline for June to September will be extended to December 20. Additionally, for corporations that report and pay VAT on a quarterly basis, the VAT payment deadline for the 2nd and 3rd quarters will be extended to December 31.
In addition, the deadline for payment of value-added tax and personal income tax for individuals and business households engaged in government priority sectors such as ▲ agriculture, forestry and fisheries ▲ food processing ▲ textile industry ▲ construction industry ▲ warehouse transportation industry ▲ real estate industry ▲ crude oil and natural gas industry will be extended to December 30.
Corporate tax will be extended for 3 months based on the second quarter due date, and corporations without sales will not be able to receive the benefit.
Additionally, for individuals, business households, and companies working in government priority sectors, the payment deadline for 50% of the rent owed this year will be extended for two months from October 31.
The government estimates that the amount of this deadline extension will slightly exceed 84 trillion dong ($3.3 billion).
*Reference source: Inside Vina (https://www.insidevina.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=27834 )